Founder and Software Engineer from Malta.
As a Software Engineer, and later a Founder, I was always looking for the next big thing in the world. I want to change one of the biggest industries on the internet and would love to get to know people who are interested in this journy. Drop me an email and join me...
An API-First software as a service e-commerce plateform.
A software house focusing on cloud-first business solutions.
Design, build and maintain the software stack of a professional service network which connectes professionals to service seakers.
- Hybrid application development (Cordova, AngularJS)
- Database design, implementation and maintenance on both MySQL and MSSQL
- Design and develop web based applications mainly using PHP and .NET
- Custom wordpress development
- Linux/Microsoft server management
- Hybrid Application Development (Cordova, AngularJS)
- Database Design and Implementation
- Design and Develop web based applications
- Develop and Maintain a multi-hotel reservation system
- Wordpress Development
- Object Oriented Software Development (CMT2313)
- Database Systems: Design and Online (BIS2212)
- Object Oriented Analysis and Design (BIS2311)
- Professional Project Development and Management
- Data Warehousing & Business Intelligence (BIS3214)
- Client/Server Web Systems Development (CMT3313)
- Advanced Web Technologies (CMT3315)
- Project (CMT3333)
- Database Design and Implementation
- Design and Develop web based applications
- Develop and Maintain a multi-hotel reservation system
- Wordpress Development